Time & Date Calculators
Free online calculators for time & date related computations.
8 Hour Shift Calculator
Calculate shift start and end times instantly. Perfect for planning your eight hour shift schedule with automatic break time adjustments and flexible duration options.
Age Calculator
Calculate exact age in years, months, and days between any two dates, plus find out days until next birthday.
Gestational Age Calculator
Calculate pregnancy dates, gestational age, and track important milestones with our comprehensive pregnancy calculator. Get accurate due date estimates and prenatal appointment schedule.
Julian Date Converter
Convert between Gregorian calendar dates and Julian dates. Essential for astronomy, scientific calculations, and historical date analysis.
Pregnancy Conception Calculator
Calculate your estimated conception date and possible conception range based on due date, last period, or ultrasound information
Reverse Due Date Calculator
Calculate conception date, last menstrual period, and important pregnancy milestones by working backwards from your due date. Get a complete pregnancy timeline with our reverse pregnancy calculator.
Time Calculator
Free online time calculator to add/subtract times, find time between dates, and convert between time units. Perfect for scheduling, project planning, and time management.
Time Card Calculator
Calculate work hours, overtime, and manage lunch breaks with our comprehensive time card calculator. Perfect for tracking employee hours and managing payroll.
Time Duration Calculator
Calculate the duration between times, add or subtract time intervals, and convert between different time formats
Time Zone Calculator
Convert times between different time zones instantly. Easy to use time zone converter with support for daylight saving time and major cities worldwide.
Time Zone Converter Calculator
Convert times between different time zones easily with this free online calculator. Perfect for scheduling international meetings, travel planning, and global coordination.