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Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

A percentage increase represents how much a value has grown relative to its original amount. This calculator helps you determine the new value after applying a percentage increase to an initial value.

Understanding Percentage Increase

A percentage increase shows how much larger a new value is compared to the original value, expressed as a percentage. For example:

  • A 10% increase means the value grows by one-tenth of its original amount
  • A 100% increase means the value doubles
  • A 200% increase means the value triples

The Percentage Increase Formula

The formula for calculating a percentage increase is:

New Value = Original Value × (1 + Percentage/100)

The actual increase amount can be calculated as:

Increase Amount = Original Value × (Percentage/100)

Example Calculation

If you want to calculate a 15% increase on $100:

New Value = $100 × (1 + 15/100)
         = $100 × 1.15
         = $115

The increase amount is:

Increase = $100 × (15/100)
        = $100 × 0.15
        = $15

Common Uses for Percentage Increase

  1. Price Increases

    • Annual inflation adjustments
    • Cost of living raises
    • Product price markups
  2. Population Growth

    • Population statistics
    • Bacterial growth
    • Investment returns
  3. Business Metrics

    • Sales growth
    • Revenue increases
    • Market share expansion
  4. Academic Progress

    • Test score improvements
    • Grade changes
    • Performance metrics

How to Use This Calculator

  1. Enter the Original Value - This is your starting number
  2. Enter the Increase Percentage - How much you want to increase by
  3. Click Calculate to see:
    • The increase amount
    • The new value after increase
    • The percentage increase applied

Tips for Working with Percentage Increases

  • To convert a decimal increase to a percentage, multiply by 100
  • Remember that a 100% increase doubles the original value
  • Percentage increases can exceed 100%
  • The increase is always relative to the original value

Real-World Applications

Business and Finance

  • Calculating salary increases
  • Determining price adjustments
  • Projecting growth rates
  • Computing investment returns

Science and Research

  • Population growth models
  • Experimental data analysis
  • Rate of change calculations
  • Statistical increases

Personal Finance

  • Budget adjustments
  • Cost of living changes
  • Savings growth projections
  • Expense tracking

Common Questions About Percentage Increases

What’s the difference between percentage increase and multiplication?

A 100% increase doubles the value (multiplies by 2), while a 200% increase triples it (multiplies by 3). The relationship is:

Multiplication Factor = 1 + (Percentage ÷ 100)

Can a percentage increase be negative?

No, a negative change would be a percentage decrease. For decreases, use a percentage decrease calculator instead.

Why do multiple percentage increases not add up?

If you increase a value by 10% twice, the total increase isn’t 20%. The second increase applies to the already-increased value, resulting in compound growth.


Understanding percentage increases is crucial for many real-world applications, from financial planning to scientific analysis. This calculator simplifies the process of determining new values after percentage increases, helping you make accurate calculations for business, academic, or personal use.

Percentage Increase Calculator updated at