Math & Scientific Calculators

Free online calculators for math & scientific related computations.

Average Percentage Calculator

Calculate the mean percentage from multiple values with our easy-to-use average percentage calculator. Perfect for academic, business, and statistical analysis.

Binary to Hexadecimal Calculator

Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal and vice versa. Perfect for programmers, computer science students, and digital electronics enthusiasts.

Circle Calculator

Calculate area, circumference, diameter, and radius of a circle with this easy-to-use calculator. Get instant results and formulas explained.

Color Format Converter Calculator

Advanced color format converter with support for HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, HSV, CMYK, and color names. Perfect for web development, design, and digital art.

Cross Product Calculator

Calculate the cross product of two vectors in 3D space. Essential for physics, engineering, and computer graphics calculations.

Decibel Calculator

Calculate and convert between sound levels, intensity ratios, and power ratios. Understand decibel changes and their real-world impact on sound perception.

Fraction Calculator

Free online fraction calculator: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. Get step-by-step solutions and simplified answers.

Half Angle Calculator

Calculate trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent) for half angles using half-angle formulas. Perfect for trigonometry and mathematical calculations.

Long Division Calculator

A simple and efficient calculator that performs long division step by step, showing the work and explaining each step of the process.

Matrix Calculator

A versatile online matrix calculator for performing basic matrix operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and finding determinants

Molarity Calculator

Calculate the molarity (molar concentration) of a solution with this easy-to-use calculator. Perfect for chemistry students and professionals.

Newton to Joules Calculator

Convert between newtons and joules with this physics calculator. Essential for engineering, physics calculations, and mechanical work measurements.

Ohm's Law Calculator

Free online Ohm's Law calculator: Calculate voltage, current, resistance, and power in electrical circuits. Perfect for electronics and electrical engineering.

Percent Off Calculator

Calculate discounted prices and savings with our easy-to-use percent off calculator. Perfect for shopping, sales, and discounts.

Percent to Goal Calculator

Track your progress and calculate what percentage of your goal you've achieved with our easy-to-use percent to goal calculator.

Percentage Calculator

Calculate percentages, percentage of numbers, and percentage changes with our easy-to-use online calculator.

Percentage Change Calculator

Calculate the percentage change between two values with our easy-to-use calculator. Perfect for tracking changes in values, prices, metrics, and more.

Percentage Difference Calculator

Calculate the percentage difference between two numbers with our easy-to-use calculator. Perfect for comparing values, analyzing variations, and more.

Percentage Increase Calculator

Calculate the increase in value based on a percentage with our easy-to-use percentage increase calculator. Perfect for calculating price increases, growth rates, and more.

PPI Calculator

Calculate Pixels Per Inch (PPI) for displays and images. Essential for designers, photographers, and anyone working with digital displays.

Random Number Generator

Generate random numbers within your specified range. Perfect for games, statistics, decision making, and more.

Relative Velocity Calculator

Calculate the relative velocity between two objects moving in different directions. Perfect for physics problems and real-world motion analysis.

Scale Converter Calculator

Convert measurements between real-world sizes and scale model dimensions. Perfect for model making, architecture, and miniature projects.

Scientific Notation Calculator

Convert numbers between standard decimal notation and scientific notation, with support for both positive and negative exponents

Slope Calculator

Calculate the slope between two points on a line with our free online slope calculator. Learn about rise over run and linear equations.

Statistics Calculator

Free online statistics calculator: Calculate mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance and more. Perfect for data analysis and research.

Weighted Average Calculator

Calculate weighted averages by assigning different weights to values. Perfect for grades, scores, or any weighted calculations.

Weighted GPA Calculator

Calculate your weighted GPA considering course credits and honors/AP/IB classes. Get accurate GPA calculations for college applications.